"I just want to create beautiful things, even if nobody cares" -Anonymous

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I may need to start a support group...

Man, look at the date of my last blog entry! May 23rd?! I admit, I've been MIA. My house is still a wreck, I'm behind on e-mails, I'm not keeping up on Facebook, and I've lost touch with the outside world. I'm sure my kids think I've lost my mind. The reason? I have an obsession. I admit it, I'm obsessed with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I know what you're saying, "Debbie, are you serious?". My answer would be yes, I'm afraid I can't help myself. I paint everything in sight. I stay up until 2:00 a.m. painting every surface imaginable. I don't take showers as often as I like(should I be revealing that? too late) and my awesome Mom brings me food when I forget to stop and eat. Not to mention the wash she ended up doing! I see no end in site.

I love this product so much, I decided to sell it. Well, I wouldn't really call it selling. When I talk to people about this product, I think of it as sharing, sharing how great this product is. I can't say enough good things about this paint. No prep, no sanding or priming...just start painting! I don't even use a dropcloth anymore because it hardly drips! No smelly fumes and it dries in no time. I've painted wood, plastic, tile, all different types of metal, and even laminate, all with amazing results. When I told Anne Skougard of House of Anne that this paint changed my life, it made her chuckle. I mean, really...paint? But yes, I am completely serious when I tell you, it does. If you paint furniture for a living(or even for a hobby), it most certainly will!

Kim Kostka of Truly Tattered and I went to Anne's workshop room in Canyon Lake last week to play with the paint(thanks Anne!). As we were painting, Kim looked me straight in the eyes with a dead serious look on her face and proclaimed "This paint is magic". I replied "I know! It's crazy!". Kim may also have to join my support group as she can't stop painting either.

Here I am painting a wine rack in "The Room". I used Chateau Grey with clear and dark wax.

Here it is finished. I realized that the spots that hold the wine bottles also hold the wax brushes perfectly! Sorry there's not a picture of how cute it looks with the brushes, I'm sold out! I'm getting more this week.

On top of all of this painting, there are lots of things in the works! Kim and I are planning the new window display for Truly Tattered, there are workshops planned for the 17th and 25th of June, I will have a booth at the Mermaid's Mercantile event in Solona Beach on the 26th, and "A One Day Affair" in Old Town Tustin on August 13th with Anne and Kim.

Props for the store window.

And...more props.

Here's the display inside the store. Love it!
When the window scape is done, I'll post a picture. It's going to be mAAAAHHHHvelous.

I also decided to paint some things to have on display when I do booths at shows and such. I found the below old children's chair and brass rocking horse at Goodwill.

Here's what they look like now....

Super adorbs(yes, you can even paint brass!). I custom made the pink by mixing a small amount of Emperor's Silk with Old White, then finished it of with clear and dark wax and a little distressing. The horse is Old White with clear and dark wax, also distressed.

My next project is this...

What do you get when you mix an old chair, some fabulous fabric, and Paris Grey Chalk Paint? Stayed tuned and find out!